Kynol muka Miro
Waehere: WB-7160
Whakaahuatanga Poto:
Whakatakotoranga: Whakamārama:Mo te whiri ki te tarapi i te muka Kynol kikii 100% Kynol miro (Novoloid). Kei te waatea hoki te PTFE me te hinu Silicone kua whakapourihia. Dia. 2mm, 2P
Taipitopito Hua
Tohu Hua
Whakaahuatanga:Mo te tarapi whiri ki te muka Kynol he miro 100% Kynol (Novoloid). Kei te waatea hoki te PTFE me te hinu Silicone kua whakapourihia.
Dia. 2mm, 2P
Tuhia to korero ki konei ka tukuna mai ki a matou
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